We want to thank those that donated, that advertised, Fabricare Cleaning Center for the donation of their facility, utilities and supplies, the Champlain Seniors Service Club for volunteering to pick up and drop off coats and the Simcoe Shores Secondary School (Orillia) students who volunteered to wash the coats. Wihlidal Family Chiropractic also graciously collected coats from the community, and the Orillia & District Agricultural Society donated racks to display all of the coats. Thank you to our media partners, especially Orillia Matters, Orillia Today, CTV News (Barrie), KICX 106 and the Communications Department at the Simcoe County District School Board. Getting the word out is so important and we can always count on them to do an amazing job! A special shout out to the Coldwater Bantam and Junior Hockey Teams for their donation of winter coats and to the Coldwater Bowling Alley for inspiring the challenge.
It is very rewarding to see the smiles on the faces of people of all ages when they find a coat. It makes it all worthwhile and reminds us of why we do this!
So please, keep saving your warm winter coats. We will be looking forward to the 10th Annual Winter Coat Drive! You can begin dropping them off Oct. 15, 2019. Distribution will begin Oct. 28, 2019. Please keep spreading the word, so that donations continue and so that those who are in need are aware of this very worthwhile community project.
Sincerely, Staff and students of the Learning Centres, Orillia, Simcoe Shores SS and members of the Champlain Seniors Service Club

Our Industry Affiliations:
Canadian Fabricare Association (CFA) www.fabricare.org
Drycleaning and Laundromat Institute (DLI) www.dlionline.org
Fabricare Canada magazine www.fabricarecanada.com
Barrie Chamber of Commerce www.barriechamber.com
Orillia Chamber of Commerce www.orillia.com
Gravenhurst Chamber of Commerce gravenhurstchamber.com
Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce www.bracebridgechamber.com
Huntsville Chamber of Commerce huntsvillelakeofbays.on.ca
Muskoka wedding Planner/ Her Wedding Planner
www.muskokaweddingplanner.com / www.herweddingplanner.com
Muskoka Tourism